Marquette Laser Fleet



The Marquette Laser Fleet is a recognized fleet in the International Laser Class Association – North America (ILCA-NA) Region. We are located in District 19

The goal of the Marquette Laser Fleet is to promote organized and sanctioned Laser one design racing and social activities in the Marquette Area.

If you are interested in Laser sailboats, learning to sail the Laser, and racing the Laser, you have come to the right place!  The Marquette Laser Fleet meets at the Marquette Yacht Club every Sunday at 3PM from June 25th through September 30th.  If you lack a boat and are interested in trying a Laser or need assistance in finding a Laser to purchase, we can help!

Season Opener – June 25th

The season opener will be this coming Sunday, June 25th on Teal Lake.  

Please park at the school parking lot on the east end of Teal Lake .  If you need help getting your Laser to Teal Lake arrive at the MYC around noon on Sunday and we figure logistics out. 

There will be a Pot Luck after racing at Don & Margaret’s house down the road.

2023  Season Information

1) Agenda and Minutes from 06/08/2023 Spring Organizational Meeting: LINK

2) 2023 MYC Laser Racing NOR: LINK

3) Register & Pay Your Dues: LINK

4) Questions?  Contact the Fleet Captain: Michael Sauer (906) 235-9402 or email:



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Marquette Yacht Club