Marquette to Houghton Race

Marquette to Houghton Race Results

2016 Marquette to Houghton Race Results





Notice of Race/Registration/Instructions

2016 MQT to HTN NOR2016Mqt_HgtnREGFORM

2016 Marquette to Houghton SI






List of Entries/Schedule of Events

International Race2016

International Race Agenda






Crew Available/Crew Wanted

If you would like to crew on the Marquette to Houghton race or are a skipper and are looking for crew, please email Jim Knape (knapejim(at) with a single paragraph containing the information you wish to share.  Make sure that you also include your contact information.  Please keep in mind that crew will most likely be needed following the conclusion of the race for the return delivery legs, so please indicate if that is a need that you have (this is a great way for newbies to involved).  The  MYC web master will post your information under this heading shortly after it is received.


Housing Opportunities

Hotels will be scarce on Tuesday and Wednesday due to 1,500 Shriners in town. Wednesday is very tight so reserve early if you need a hotel. MYC can provide some housing in members private homes. Please contact Jim Knape at (nine zero six) 228 5583 or email knapejim(at) if you would like to house some of your crew in private homes. We have about 20 to 25 open slots


Important Information

Its recommended you dock along the Mattson Park Wall at the NW corner of the Harbor adjacent to MYC.  Make sure to have good fenders as its a concrete wall and there can be surge. You could also dock at the Cinder Pond Marina which has better protection but it is more expensive and has a limited number of slips so reservations are wise. Dockage fees are the responsibility of each yacht.

If you will be bringing a car please make sure it is parked in a proper spot. Some of the local parking lots have a 2 hour limit and no overnight is allowed.  If you need to park overnight let us know and we can find a good spot or get a permit from the city.

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Marquette Yacht Club