
The Beginning …

After a long winter hibernation Ensign Fleet 35 has finally awakened to begin the 2012 season.  This past Wednesday marked the first Fleet Race of the summer with many more on the schedule. About half of the fleet was on the water for the event which was a three lap affair on a windward leeward course in Marquette Bay. The winds were light but sufficient and the cool temperatures of the day were offset by the warm sunshine of a nearly clear sky accented by a waxing gibbous moon.

The Race Committee patrolled the course in the recently purchased committee boat, a 22 foot Sea Sprite with an I/O motor that features lots of cabin space and a high freeboard. The new craft will take a bit of time to get used to and is still in need of some hardware modifications for flags holders and message boards, but it is a very welcome addition for the race committee and the fleet.

The 2012 Ensign Nationals Committee have all been working diligently on their respective tasks.  The most recent focus has been to finalize arrangements with our many generous sponsors.  Checklists, phone calls and follow-up e-mails were the order of the day to make sure that all the sponsors advertising and company logos are in hand. I would invite you to view our growing list of sponsors and ask that you consider their contribution when you are in need of the type of services they render. I would also invite you to add your business or your name to our growing  list.

One more shamless plug, if you haven’t already done so, there is no time like the present to submit your registration for the 2012 Ensign National Championship Regatta.  You don’t want to miss all the fun on the big lake, do you?


Ensign 1643

Irish Ayes

Marquette Yacht Club