2014 Ensign Region V Championship Regatta

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Ensign Fleet 35, in conjunction with the Marquette Yacht Club, invites entries to the 2014 Ensign Region V Championship Regatta to be sailed on the greatest of the Great Lakes, Lake Superior, from June 26 through June 28.

Marquette, Michigan is located on the south shore of Lake Superior in the very heart of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We invite you to join us for some spectacular racing, with all lodging and social events located in the historic downtown district and an easy walk from the Marquette Yacht Club.

The Organizing Authority for the Regatta is Ensign Fleet 35, formed in the early 1970s, and recognized as one of the nation’s largest racing fleets, with as many as twenty Ensigns regularly participating in the summer racing series. With a rich history of competitive racing, Fleet 35 has the experience to host a superb regatta and entertain sailors and their families against the backdrop of an award winning coastal community.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to volunteer, please complete and submit the Volunteer Form. To ask our Volunteer Coordinator, Ken Blood, a question, please email him at: mndkb@yahoo.com

Directions to the Marquette Yacht Club

Click here for directions to the Marquette Yacht Club

Marquette Yacht Club